Meet the leadership team of Southwestern Seminary and Texas Baptist College.
The administration of Texas Baptist College is dedicated to providing our students, faculty, and staff with the leadership they need to live their callings.
David S. Dockery
President, Distinguished Professor of Theology
O.S. Hawkins
Chancellor, Senior Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Evangelism
W. Madison Grace II
Provost and Vice President for Academic Administration, Dean of the School of Theology, Professor of Theology
Dale Ford
Interim Vice President for Financial Services, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Travis H. Trawick
Vice President for Administration, Effectiveness, and Strategy, Assistant Professor of Theology
R. Adam Dodd
Vice President for Campus Technology, Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Backgrounds, Director of Tandy Institute of Archaeology
Chandler Snyder
Vice President for Institutional Relations, Instructor of Missions, Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions
Office of the President Staff
Ashley Allen
Assistant to the President
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