Freshmen Connection
Wednesdays at 3pm in the Fire Side Room (Naylor Student Center) | 817-921-8535
Freshmen Connection is a gathering of first-year TBC students, between the ages of 17 – 22, designed to create a purposeful community and encourage you in your walks with Christ. Join us as we connect with fellow first-year TBC students, and grow in our relationships with Christ!
We have purposely designed Freshmen Connection for students 17 – 22. We invite students above the age of 22 to join a Ministry Opportunity (contact for more information) and/or a Mentorship Group.
- Connect with other first-year TBC students
- Encouragement in your walk with Christ.
- Grow in your relationships with each other.
- Be encouraged by upperclassmen and others on campus.

Our first year of college is a big ball of crazy experiences. For many of us, this is the first time we choose a church, the first time we live away from home, the first time we choose what to do with our time, and the first time we make late-night taco runs with our friends. With all these first this can be one of the most amazing times of your life but it can also be a little overwhelming. We believe the Lord allows you to go through these things so that you can learn to rely on Him, learn to live on mission with Him, and walk in a healthy, purposeful community with others.
The good news is that you do not have to do this alone! Freshmen Connection is designed to connect you with others as you walk through this stage of life. As we get together, we will have fun, getting to know people from all over the place, and learning to live out some key disciplines and values that will help us grow in our faith.