Bachelor of Arts in Humanities

Texas Baptist College

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities

The Education for Life

This degree explores the questions and ideas of the classical and Christian liberal arts tradition to shape students into persons who flourish in any calling.

Degree Highlights

  • 120 hours
  • Be prepared for the job market and equipped for Christian faithfulness in any profession.
  • By choosing advanced courses, humanity students are prepared for their unique vocational careers.

The Bachelor of Arts in Humanities is designed as an education for life—specifically, for a life of virtue, purpose, and rightly ordered desires, all made possible through Jesus. Students will engage with the enduring questions and ideas of both the classical and Christian liberal arts traditions, preparing them to flourish in any vocational context. With a strong foundation in history, biblical studies, theology, and the great ideas of Western thought, Humanities majors have the flexibility to choose advanced courses that further prepare them for their unique career paths.

Graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities often pursue careers in teaching, writing, journalism, social work, and other impactful fields.

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Degree Requirements

Total Hours: 120


OTS 1113 Old Testament I

OTS 1123 Old Testament II

NTS 2113 New Testament I

NTS 2123 New Testament II


BIB 1173 Biblical Theology

THE 3033 Systematic Theology I

THE 4033 Systematic Theology II

THE 4043 Systematic Theology III


ENG 1113 English I - Introduction to Academic Writing

ENG 1213 English II - Academic Writing II

GRK 1103 Greek I

GRK 1203 Greek II

Other Core Classes

NAS 4203 Natural Science

REA 1153 Critical Thinking & Worldview

SOS 3313 Introduction to Christian Ethics

PHI 4113 Introduction to Christian Philosophy

MIS 2201 Introduction to Missions

EVA 2213 Evangelism

BIB 1013 Spiritual Formation

Great Books Courses

IDE 1103 Great Books of Early Western Civilization

IDE 1213 Great Books of Late Antiquity

IDE 2173 Great Books of Middle Ages & Renaissance

IDE 3103 Great Book of the Enlightenment

IDE 3203 Great Books of 19th Century

IDE 3233 Great Books of 20th Century

Humanities Major Requirements

FNA 3203 Music Appreciation: History and Evaluation

FNA 3103 Visual Art: History and Evaluation

SOS 2103 World Religions

CHH 2113 Church History I

CHH 2213 Church History II

HBR 1103 Hebrew I

HBR 1203 Hebrew II

IDE 43x3 Humanities Advanced Topics (2 courses | 6 credit hours)

Minor/Concentrations/Free Electives

Electives (6 courses |18 credit hours)

Chapel Requirement

CHP 1000 Chapel (6 semesters)

Recommended Degree Sequence

Calculated for students taking two semesters of classes per yer

Year 1 – 30 hours
English 1 – Introduction to Academic WritingEnglish 2 - Advanced Academic Writing
Old Testament 1Old Testament 2
Spiritual FormationSystematic Theology 1
Critical Thinking and WorldviewNatural Science
Great Books of Early Western Civ.Great Books of Late Antiquity
Chapel 1Chapel 2
Year 2 – 30 hours
New Testament 1New Testament 2
Systematic Theology 2Systematic Theology 3
Greek 1Greek 2
World ReligionsIntro to Missions
Great Books Middle Ages & Ren.Great Books of the Enlightenment
Chapel 3Chapel 4
Year 3 – 30 hours
Biblical TheologyEvangelism
Introduction to Christian EthicsHebrew 2 (or other language)
Hebrew 1 (or other language)Great Books of the 20th Century
Great Books of the 19th CenturyMusic Appreciation
Open Elective 1Open Elective 2
Chapel 5Chapel 6
Year 4 – 30 hours
Church History 1Intro to Christian Philosophy
Visual ArtChurch History 2
Humanities Advanced Topic 1Humanities Advanced Topic 2
Open Elective 3Open Elective 4
Open Elective 4Open Elective 5

Learning Outcomes

Build on a strong foundation

Intellectual development, spiritual formation, a Christian worldview, and a biblical-theological foundation will assist students to flourish where they are called and commissioned by Christ.

Engage culture with the Gospel

Humanities students bridge the gap between faith and culture by living their calling in view of God and all things relative to Him. The BAH is designed to equip and propel students into contemporary culture with the conviction and proclamation of true life in Christ.

Thrive in any vocational context

Whether called to church-related ministry or to ministry in the workplace, Humanities students will be prepared to find their callings with joy, excellence, and purpose.

Potential career paths for this degree

Teacher | Writer | Foreign Language Interpreter

Journalist | Historian | Public Relations Specialist

Humanitarian Aid Worker | Career Coach

Minors & Concentrations

Bachelor of Arts students can choose from five unique minors and one concentration by using their elective hours to complete the requirements described below.



Next Steps

Visit Campus

Free lodging is available at our on-campus hotel if you live over 60 miles away from campus.

Begin Your Application

Complete your application online.

Application Requirements

Church Recommendation

Official High School Transcripts

Meningitis Immunization Form or Waiver (if younger than 22)

Background Check (if 18 or older)

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