Bachelor of Arts in Humanities + Master of Divinity (International Church Planting/2+2)

Texas Baptist College

Bachelor of Arts in Humanities + Master of Divinity (International Church Planting/2+2)

The biblical foundation you need to serve, wherever God calls you to minister

This accelerated degree program is structured to pair training in biblical and theological studies with advanced education for ministry in cross-cultural contexts.

Degree Highlights

  • 154 hours
  • Complete undergraduate and graduate degrees in 5 years

The Bachelor of Arts in Humanities at Texas Baptist College offers education for life—that is, for living the truly human life; the life of virtue, of purpose, and of properly ordered desires and longings made possible by Jesus (John 10:10). This degree explores the questions and ideas of the classical and Christian liberal arts tradition to shape students into persons who flourish in whichever vocational context to which they may be called. Building on a core of courses in history, biblical studies, theology, and the great ideas of Western thought, Humanities majors are given the freedom to choose advanced courses that further prepare them for their unique pursuits. This degree couples well with the M.Div. which prepares students for the broadest range of Christian ministries. Fish School students may use elective hours to pursue a concentration listed below or they may simply use their free electives to complete Fish School electives in keeping with their ministry goals and academic interests.

Student Testimonial

Degree Requirements

Old Testament I*OTS 11133
Old Testament II*OTS 11233
New Testament I*NTS 21133
New Testament II*NTS 21233
Biblical TheologyBIB 11733
Systematic Theology I*THE 30333
Greek IGRK 11033
Greek IIGRK 12033
English IENG 11133
English IIENG 12133
Natural ScienceNAS 42033
Critical Thinking & WorldviewREA 11533
Introduction to Christian PhilosophyPHI 41133
Introduction to Christian Ethics PHI 33133
Introduction to Missions*MIS 20133
Evangelism*EVA 22133
Spiritual FormationBIB 10133
Any Two of the Following Great Books:6
- Great Books of Early Western CivilizationIDE 1103
- Great Books of Late AntiquityIDE 1213
- Great Books of Middle Ages & RenaissanceIDE 2173
- Great Books of the EnlightenmentIDE 3103
- Great Books of the 19th CenturyIDE 3203
- Great Books of the 20th CenturyIDE 3233

* These courses, taken at the undergraduate level, are those that count toward Advanced Standing in the MDiv degree. Students must pass Advanced Standing Exams for these courses.

** These courses are common both to the BACS and the MDiv in the Fish School of Evangelism and Missions and taken at the graduate level satisfy the requirements for both degrees.

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