FROM THE HILL: Greenway discusses impact of theological education, Yarnell comments on baptism and the church’s role, and more

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.
“Theological Education Should Nurture Knowledge, Love for Others” (article on Your Voice), written by Adam W. Greenway, president
- The Alabama Baptist published an edited transcription of Dr. Greenway’s spring convocation message, delivered January 25, 2022 in MacGorman Chapel.
“Southern Baptist college, seminary professors reiterate church’s role in baptism” (news story on Baptist Press), featuring Malcolm Yarnell, research professor of theology
- “‘We understand that we, as a church, are baptizing because of the commandment of Jesus Christ,’ Yarnell said. ‘For Roman Catholics, they believe the priest stands in the place of Christ. The priest acts as Christ. So they don’t want to speak of the local church being engaged in baptism. Baptists are just so different from that. We do believe that baptism is done by the church, as an act of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Great Commission.’”
“EMPOWER ’22: SWBTS evangelism prof says, ‘Nobody knows your story better than you’” (article in The TEXAN), featuring Matt Queen, associate dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions
- “[Queen] recently talked with Texan editor Jayson Larson about ways everyone can be more intentional about sharing their faith.”
“Scandal, secularism eroding trust in America’s pastors, surveys find” (article on Washington Times), featuring comments from Adam W. Greenway, president
- “America’s clergy have lost the confidence of millions, according to two recent surveys, and experts say pastors will have to confront some harsh truths to regain that trust.”
“Southern Baptist Missionaries See Baptisms and Converts Surge With COVID-19” (article on Christianity Today), featuring comments from John Massey, dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions
- “During the COVID-19 pandemic ’s first year, the number of new believers harvested by the 3,552 missionaries serving with the convention ’s International Mission Board (IMB) increased 62 percent from the previous year. Baptisms were up 81 percent from 2019 to 2020 (the most recent year for which data is available), and salvation testimonies continue to pour in.”