FROM THE HILL: True friendship discussed by Ford, Shirley co-authors book on qualifications for pastors

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.
“Competing Narratives of the Christian Life” (Lecture at Union University), featuring Justin Wainscott, assistant professor of Christian ministry and director of discipleship and campus ministries
- Union University STM Lecture from Oct. 7, 2021 by Justin Wainscott, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The full title was “Competing Narratives of the Christian Life: Learning to Live in Light of the Right Story”
“Learning, Listening, & Looking Forward” (interview on Pipeline, November 1, 2021), featuring Adam W. Greenway, president
“What makes a true friend: Augustine and the nature of friendship for Christians” (article on ERLC), written by Coleman Ford, assistant professor of Christian formation and director of professional doctoral studies
- “What are the ingredients for true and meaningful friendship? We can learn much about deep friendship from Augustine of Hippo (354–430 AD).”
“Randall House to release Husband of One Wife: An Exegesis” (book published by Randall House), co-authored by Chris Shirley, associate dean of the Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries and professor of educational ministries
- “Husband of One Wife: An Exegesis provides an in-depth examination of a key biblical qualification for pastor—marital status—and discusses contrasting views and interpretations of various qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, with particular attention to how divorce impacts one’s ability to serve in the role of minister. Addresses the questions: Is the Divorced Minister Permanently Disqualified From Pastoral Ministry?, Must the Local Church Pastor Be Married?, Is ‘Husband of One Wife’ More Important Than the Other Pastoral Requirements…or Do They Possess Equal Weight?, Is Polygamy Part of the Equation?, and Can A Divorced Pastor Lead in Ministry Again?”
“What is Biblical Worship?” (interview on Faith Seeking Understanding), interviewing Joe Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship and professor of church music and worship
- Dr. Arnold interviews Dr. Crider on worship.