Good Friday becomes spiritual birthday for two souls

Commemorating the day on which Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, Good Friday evokes both somber humility at the Savior’s crucifixion on our behalf, as well as glorious joy at the salvation His death and resurrection bring. For two women who recently visited Sundance Square in downtown Fort Worth, Good Friday bears personal significance as well, for it is the day on which they were spiritually reborn.
On Good Friday, April 19, a team of evangelists from The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ventured to Sundance Square to share the true meaning of Easter. Some of these evangelists performed worship songs to attract the attention of passersby, and master’s students Jenny Kim and Julia Lee spoke with those who stopped to listen.
Henna and Vicky were among those who listened to the worship team’s music, so Kim and Lee engaged them in conversation, speaking of the significance of Easter and Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
“Henna seemed to be more aware of Christianity,” Kim says. “However, when we shared the Gospel with her, she said that she has never made a profession of faith in such a way that she has an absolute certainty that she is in Christ by grace through faith.”
Kim and Lee explained the Gospel further, noting that salvation comes by professing faith in the risen Savior, Jesus Christ. When they extended an invitation to make such a profession, Henna did so, praying to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior.
Vicky, on the other hand, was more hesitant about spiritual matters, Kim recalls. “She was quite distant from the church and did not feel that she had a relationship with God.”
“We explained how, in Christ, we can be adopted as sons and daughters,” Kim says, “which is the relationship for which we were originally made before sin entered the world.” Upon hearing this awesome truth, Vicky resolved to put her hesitations aside and believed in Jesus for salvation.
Kim and Lee then prayed with their new sisters-in-Christ, and Lee even gave her Bible to Vicky since Vicky did not have one of her own. “Vicky seemed so joyful and grateful to have a Bible!” Kim says.
Kim then explained the importance of baptism and joining a local church. Though Henna was only visiting Fort Worth from her home in Boston, meaning that they could not invite her to one of their churches, they have since reached out to Vicky, whom they hope will help her get plugged into a church in her area.
Kim and Lee now pray that both Henna and Vicky will get plugged into a healthy local church and continue to grow as disciples of Christ.
Reflecting on this experience, Kim says, “God is indeed faithful to save! And I am truly grateful for the evangelism training I have received from [evangelism professor Matt Queen] and fellow evangelists through Everyday Evangelism and Crossover over the past years at Southwestern Seminary.”