Latest edition of SWJT explores ‘Christian Higher Education in the Baptist Tradition’

The latest issue of the Southwestern Journal of Theology, the first to be overseen by newly appointed editor David S. Dockery, is now available. The issue’s theme is “Christian Higher Education in the Baptist Tradition” and features articles by Dockery, Nathan A. Finn, Keith Whitfield and Rhyne Putman, Gene C. Fant, Hunter Baker, Kristen A. Ferguson, and C. Ben Mitchell.
First published in 1917, and published continuously since 1958, the SWJT is the academic journal of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dockery, who joined the Southwestern Seminary faculty in 2019 as distinguished professor of theology and theologian-in-residence of the B.H. Carroll Center for Baptist Heritage and Mission, was named editor of the SWJT last May.
Dockery writes in the opening editorial of this new issue, “As an aspect of the overall vision for renewal and revitalization at Southwestern Seminary, President Adam W. Greenway has communicated his dream for serious scholarship, applied theology, engaging teaching, and service to the churches to be combined with a heart for ministry, evangelism, and global missions, seeing these emphases as partners together on a shared mission. He sees these shared commitments coming together as ‘One Southwestern,’ reclaiming the best of the seminary’s heritage while advancing the distinctive Southwestern mission.
“The new editorial team of the Southwestern Journal of Theology sees the continuation of the publication of this resource as one way of participating in that vision. We pray that the efforts to re-energize the Journal will be used of God to serve the Southwestern community and its various constituencies to help bring revitalization to the seminary we all love in the days and decades to come.”
The complete Table of Contents is as follows:
1. “Baptist Higher Education: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Hopeful Trajectories,” by David S. Dockery
2. “Academic Discipleship and the Baptist University,” by Nathan A. Finn, provost and dean of the university faculty at North Greenville University in South Carolina
3. “The Bible and the University: Sola Scriptura and Interdisciplinary Engagement,” by Keith Whitfield, associate professor of theology, vice president for academic administration, and acting provost at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Rhyne Putman, associate vice president for academic affairs, director of worldview formation, and professor of Christian ministries at Williams Baptist University
4. “Intellectual Empathy: Operationalizing the Great Commandment through the University General Education Program,” by Gene C. Fant, eighth president of North Greenville University
5. “Baptists and Secularism: Forthcoming Challenges for Christian Higher Education,” by Hunter Baker, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, university fellow, and associate professor of political science at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee
6. “Faithfully Transitioning to Online Education,” by Kristen A. Ferguson, director of online education at Gateway Seminary in Ontario, California
7. “What Christian Universities Owe Their Students,” by C. Ben Mitchell, Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy at Union University
The Journal also includes book reviews and book notes (overviews of key 2019 publications).
Published as the spring 2020 issue, production of this latest edition of the Journal was delayed due to editorial leadership transition and COVID-19. The fall issue is expected before year’s end. Both current and past issues of the SWJT are available at