New website helps students return to seminary, finish degrees

FinishSeminary.Today, a new website launched by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, will help students “finish what they started.” That is, it will guide them through the process of returning to the seminary in order to finish degree programs that they started but, for one reason or another, never finished.
“Every year, there are students who find themselves in circumstances that make continuing seminary impossible,” says Mark Leeds, registrar at Southwestern. “Sometimes it’s a family emergency, other times it’s the loss of a job. One semester away can become two and then three, but we want to help our former students find a way to train for the calling that brought them to seminary when they started.”
Leeds says FinishSeminary.Today is an easy way for former students to find out what it would take to complete the seminary degrees they began but did not complete. The simple, user-friendly website asks a few basic questions of those desiring to return to Southwestern, including what degree they were previously seeking and why they had to leave the seminary. Once the form is completed, an adviser will contact the hopeful returnee in order to determine how he/she may continue studies at Southwestern and plan a path to graduation.
Scholarships are available for this initiative, and online classes enable students to continue their education from a distance, if necessary. “Whatever caused you to step away from pursuing your degree,” the website explains, “Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary wants you to know you are welcome to come back and finish it. With opportunities for scholarships and online classes, all that’s missing to finish your degree is you.”
Visit to take advantage of this exciting opportunity.