Preaching workshop to provide pastors with tools for text-driven sermons

With the goal of supplying pastors with both practical and effective tools to preach through a book of Scripture, the School of Theology of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will host a one-day “Preaching Workshop” focused on the book of Ephesians on October 3 and to be held on campus.
“Ideally, a busy preacher can attend this one-day workshop and leave with background and contextual information, exegetical notes, and sermon outlines for the entire book of Ephesians,” said Matthew F. McKellar, professor of preaching in the School of Theology and chair of the seminary’s preaching department. He added, “the workshop gives SWBTS the opportunity to encourage preachers and to supply them with practical, effective tools for preaching text-driven sermons from a specific book of Scripture.”
Designed for senior pastors, vocational staff, bi-vocational ministers, and lay leaders, and held for the last 15 years, McKellar said the workshops have traditionally featured Southwestern Seminary faculty who have “extensive experience both in the classroom and in the local church.” He added the two-fold combination “allows for a healthy merging of the academic and practical” elements of preaching because the workshop presenters “understand the academic side of preaching and homiletical studies while also understanding the challenge of being prepared to deliver effective sermons on a weekly basis.”
In addition to McKellar, the workshop will feature Chris S. Osborne, professor of preaching who pastored Central Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas, for more than three decades; Juan R. Sánchez, associate professor of theology who also serves as pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas; and Justin Wainscott, assistant professor of pastoral ministry and director of the Professional Doctoral Studies program who previously served as the pastor of First Baptist Church of Jackson, Tennessee. Additionally, Daniel C. Dickard, who has served as pastor of Friendly Avenue Baptist Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, since 2018 will join the workshop’s teaching team. Dickard earned Master of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Southwestern and is the president of the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention’s Pastors’ Conference.
McKellar said the workshop speakers will “address the entirety of Ephesians with a view to promoting the development of text-driven sermons.” McKellar observed in text-driven sermons “the substance of the biblical text comprises the substance of the sermons.” He added that the text’s structure “dictates the structure of the sermon” while the “spirit of the text shapes the spirit of the sermon.”
Following an introduction of the book, workshop speakers will cover the book of Ephesians while addressing background and contextual matters and offering brief sermon outlines and starters, McKellar explained. The speakers’ notes will be available electronically to the attendees on the day of the workshop so attendees are equipped “with the resources necessary for developing a text-driven preaching plan for Ephesians,” he added.
In addition to the workshop sessions, lunch for all attendees will be sponsored by Guidestone. Mark Dance, director of pastoral wellness at Guidestone, will share with workshop attendees how the organization is engaged in encouraging and assisting ministers.
Registration is open and tickets are $40 per attendee and discounted tickets are offered for students.
More information and registration can be found here.