World Missions Center highlights Great Commission opportunities in South Asia

During its spring Global Missions Week, March 22-25, the World Missions Center (WMC) at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary hosted workers from the International Mission Board’s South Asia affinity team to share stories of how God is working in the region as well as to connect students with opportunities to reach people with the Gospel.
Among the events during the weeklong emphasis was the Going Global Luncheon, March 24, during which IMB personnel gave an overview of the missionary task available to every Christian.
“Every believer must find their role in the Great Commission and in that missionary task of fulfilling that Great Commission Christ gave 2,000 years ago to all disciples that would follow,” said one IMB representative. Due to security reasons, none of the workers can be identified. “As followers of Christ, we hope that you would consider your role in that.”
Describing the region of South Asia as a vast area of lostness, IMB personnel shared their desire to have more workers who will minister among the unreached in this part of the world—to evangelize and disciple new believers who will hopefully form groups that create new churches and leaders.
“So, this missionary task is going to those people,” one worker shared, “but the end vision is that every one of those people from every tribe, language, and people group will be there with us [in heaven], celebrating our salvation that Jesus paid with His blood to bring us anew.”
With about 130 unreached and unengaged people groups in the South Asia affinity, IMB personnel said, there are numerous opportunities and jobs for people of all life stages, personalities, skillsets, and niche interests. One particular area of need and value is for women who are willing to serve.
The IMB personnel explained that women are uniquely suited to reach women as well as entire families. These relationships and conversations are usually facilitated as a result of the hospitable culture, they said.
The morning after the luncheon, IMB personnel hosted a Chai-making demonstration in the Southwestern Women’s Center. The popular drink is a common part of everyday life for people in South Asia, they explained, and an expected facet of welcoming guests into one’s home.
Although Chai is an important part of hospitality in South Asia, the IMB personnel explained that the most important part of those interactions in the homes are the spiritual conversations and Gospel presentations.
“I love how hospitable they are,” said one IMB worker. “The important thing is, when you are in someone’s home, it is not about drinking the Chai or eating the biscuits; it’s about the conversation.”
“My goal is not just to drink their Chai; my role is to share the Gospel with them,” she said. “So, because of their hospitality and that gift to me, I get to give them the Gospel.”
For information or inquiries about missions opportunities through Southwestern or the IMB, email